Legal disclaimer
Use of this website
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We exclude liability to the maximum extent permitted by law. Where liability cannot be excluded, it is limited and provided for by the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth).
We do not represent that we are authorised or approved to provide legal advice in the various jurisdictions where this website may be viewed. The applicable law regarding any matter arising out of this website is the law of the State of Victoria, Australia. Any disputes, in the absence of any prior mediation or arbitration proceedings, must be heard in the State or Federal Courts in the State of Victoria.
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As a convenience, this website provides links to various third-party websites. Such linked websites are not under our control. Such links also do not mean that we endorse or recommend the information in these websites. We do not make any representations about, nor assume any responsibility for, the accuracy and currency of the contents of such websites, nor their fitness for any particular purpose.
Copyright © by Mehadr Beis Din Tribunal. All rights reserved in all information and content in this site permitted by law. You may download and print out any part of this website for your own personal and/or non-commercial use. Any other reproduction or retransmission of the contents of this website without our prior written consent is prohibited.