Objective Morality

The Torah, often referred to as Toras Emes and Toras Chayim, is a source of goodness and kindness. We approach its rules with deference and acceptance of the Almighty's authority, and with the belief that He is guiding us for our benefit. 

As a people, we are constantly evolving and discovering new truths and realities. It is important to acknowledge that we do not know everything and cannot fully understand the far-reaching effects of our actions. Therefore, God has given humankind the freedom to choose from a variety of healthy lifestyles, under the umbrella of the 7 Noahide Laws, to prevent him from making mistakes that will harm him and others. 

Identifying impropriety and immoral principles can be challenging without proper guidance for our limited human minds. Fortunately, the Lubavitcher Rebbe has provided valuable insights and advice on mental health issues and problems. He also taught that it is essential to learn from past mistakes, such as disregarding the value of human life during the Second World War.

The Torah, a precious gift bestowed upon the Jewish people 3,300 years ago, holds immense significance in the ultimate redemption that promises peace, prosperity, and joy for all humanity. It has been traditionally believed that upon the end of Jewish exile, they will share God's wisdom with the world, but that non-Jewish nations may reject it. However, the Rebbe proposed that Gentiles would eventually embrace God's loving words. The Jewish people have remained loyal to the 613 Mitzvos of the Torah throughout centuries of exile. This faithfulness will serve as a beacon for others as they impart God's wisdom to the world.

2. Economic system 

The golden standard

Australia, like many modern countries, operates on a merit-based system where skill and imagination are valued for advancement. However, this system, like any other, is not perfect. Yale University Law Professor, Daniel Markovitz, author of The Meritocracy Trap, argues that meritocracy ultimately marginalises the majority of citizens and creates inequality. This is because meritocracy divides society into the useful and the useless. Political systems, such as capitalism and communism, are designed to achieve specific social advantages, but the ideal approach is to follow Torah, which incorporates the benefits of each system. Torah law allows for successful private enterprise while obligating the affluent to support the less fortunate. Tzedoko, often translated as "charity," actually means doing what is right. By sharing, we can become partners with God in creation, as He created both rich and poor people. Listen to this amazing story!

The true measure of wealth is not in the accumulation of material possessions, but in the ability to give generously to those in need. It is important to strive for success and financial stability, but it should be done with the intention of becoming a benefactor and philanthropist. Those who have the means to help others should use their resources to support the less fortunate. In doing so, they become partners with God in the act of creation. The concept of wealth should not be limited to material possessions, but rather to the generosity and kindness that one can exhibit towards others. Competition should be about giving, and creating a healthy and supportive community where everyone can thrive.

Let's promptly restore this system and work together to identify effective solutions for the pressing issue at hand.

3. Upright, Godly relationships

God provided humankind with a Code of Universal Morality. [It is important to note that one's inclinations are not the issue, but rather the indulgence.  See Vayikra 20:13 ]

In the past, intimacy with one's spouse was the only ethically acceptable and honourable way of life. People respected this standard because they valued God and His Torah. Engaging in incest, homosexuality, bestiality, or infidelity was considered a betrayal of societal values.   

Morality is a subjective quality without the guidance provided by the Torah. With the decline of governments worldwide and the rise of secularism, atheistic theories, such as the Big Bang Theory and the notion that humans are advanced animals that seek energy and pleasure for survival and happiness, replaced the traditional belief that God created man in His image.

In the hope of being reelected, governments foolishly cater to the wishes of their constituents rather than governing them according to God's Directives. Marriage is no longer universally recognised as a sacred institution, and people proudly share their alternative lifestyles as a sign of being current, modern, and contemporary. 

If society continues its current trajectory, indecent behaviour will become accepted and applauded, even in front of children. What is currently considered crude and rudimentary will inevitably become normalised.

We can change this trajectory by spreading the knowledge of God together with His humanitarian Laws. By sharing the knowledge of God around the world, we merit to take part in the fulfilment of the prophecy [Isaiah 11:9] that in the Messianic Times, "The world will be filled with the knowledge of God as the waters cover the ocean bed."