Doing Our Part
During these challenging times, our hearts go out to our brothers and sisters in Eretz Hakoidesh, and we earnestly pray for their safety. Many of us wish to lend our support, even if we cannot physically join the army. What can we do instead?
In times of uncertainty, let the Torah be our guide – the eternal blueprint for creation. Here are some meaningful steps we can take:
Spread Chassidus: Increase your efforts in sharing the wisdom of Chassidus with others.
10-Point Mitzvah Campaign: Deepen your involvement in this vital campaign.
Teshuvah and Tefilla: Perfect one's performance of Torah and Mitzvos, offer heartfelt prayers, recite plenty of Tehilim, and engage diligently in Torah study.
Tzedakah: Give generously to support those in need.
Buy a Letter in The Unity Sefer Torah: Purchase a letter in the Torah for yourself or on behalf of a family member, friend or even the soul of a loved one who has passed away.
Fair and Reasonable Conduct: Practice fairness and reasonableness in your interactions with everyone.
Resolve Disputes: Seek the assistance of a neutral third party if difficult disputes arise.
Participate in a Din Torah: Promptly accept invitations to participate in Din Torah (a Jewish legal tribunal).
Adjudication Without Charge: If asked to adjudicate, do so promptly and, if possible, without charging a fee. "Justice delayed is justice denied."
Respect the Laws of Prayer: Elevate your prayers with greater intensity, and refrain from speaking during Kaddish, the Repetition of the Amidah, and Krias HaTorah.
Enhance Shabbos Observance: Strive to enhance your observance of Shabbos, a day of rest and spiritual renewal in our tradition.
Tznius: Respect yourself and the people around you by dressing modestly and in accordance with Halacha.
By immersing ourselves in the wisdom of Chassidus and deepening our awareness of God and His Presence in our lives, we exert a profound influence on the world. This influence is so compelling that even the most entrenched sources of darkness will ultimately come to acknowledge the Divine Presence (Maamar Vayechulu 5728). Eventually, leaders of groups like Hamas and their cohorts will awaken to the inherent irrationality and hypocrisy of waging war in the name of God against humanity, and specifically, against the Jewish people.